The roller coaster bromance seems to have continued for Chris & Kem. Love Islands favorite couple, Kem and Chris landed a number with their debut single, which is also the first Grime number 1 of 2017:
Both Kem and Chris were extremely successful on Love Island and the have become massive success stories in their own right. Both likable and respectable guys so why would Lethal Bizzle have an opinion on the track?
Lethal Bizzle has play a massive role in the commercial success of Grime and managed to pivot a track that was once outlawed by the police into a national hit!!! Surely he would be happy? Well check out Lethal Bizzle’s thoughts below:
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Despite this sounding like merely banter or Lethal Bizzle trying to ensure he gets a pay cheque, there is a deeper narrative behind this incident. Although one may not agree with this entire video, Akala touches on some valid points. Considering the level of work that people have put into elevating Grime, yet not one Grime single has gone to number this year. Yet these 2 gentlemen; Kem and Chris have landed a number one. By not acknowledging and paying respect to Lethal Bizzle as the source, they are undermining the culture and in many respects trivializing the culture.
One could accuse Michael Dapaah of doing the same but this would be wrong because he has continued to support and acknowledge the source as well as promote and elevate the culture.
Either way this hopefully this doesn’t go to the courts but I am sure both parties will be happy if a remix is done featuring Lethal Bizzle is on the remix. Perhaps it could be called, “Big Bit Leave It”.