I’ve been thinking for quite some time now about a new type of segment I wanted to bring to the blog, besides my usual, interviews, in – depth articles, reviews and insights into the freshest underground talent. Then the most basic idea came to mind, why don’t I just blog what I think? – Almost typing out loud you could say. Better yet why not just compare this idea to twitter with the advantage that I have an infinite word count. In fact this notion just reverts back to the original idea of what a blog is all about; having the freedom to write about whatever you want on a platform that can be viewed by anyone who wants to view it. However I must say that when it comes to the power of my mind and the keyboard I will not fight my urges to express what I truly think about the UK music scene and what it has to offer. I can only encourage those who even disagree to feel free to let it be known, as in this democracy we live in everyone is indeed entitled to their own opinion.
Right, let’s begin…
Now if you’ve read some of my previous work you will know that I’ve developed a slight problem with the former MC Kano. I use the term ‘former’ because in my mind he is no longer an MC, he lost that right when he ‘fell off’ and then attempted to dig himself out of that grave with that somewhat track entitled ‘Wine De Best’. Anyway let me not kick a man when he is already down because I do have an ounce of respect for Kano as an artist, like who wouldn’t? In his earlier career he provided us with such ‘bangers’ such as; ‘Ghetto Kyode’, ‘Boys n Girls’ and ‘I hate boyfriends’ – so for that alone I will always have a soft spot for him. Getting on with the point though, the initial thought I wanted to bring up was the fact that I think Kano may have a new calling in life. That performance he delivered in the debut of Channel 4’s thrilling drama ‘Top Boy’ just over exceeded my expectations. Apart from the very talented Ashley Walters, it’s not really common for UK artists to turn to acting and then be successful at it. Instead it can come across very cheesy and cringe-worthy as we witness our favourite lyricists attempt to be in front of the ‘silver screen’. However that example was not seen with Kano’s acting capabilities across the four part drama, instead I was immensely proud of him as I felt he really depicted what his character was all about to the audience and brought a sense of realism to the inner-city drug and gang culture in the UK.
Although some may feel the drama lacked to portray an “illustration of any kind of constructive message” – as so rightly expressed by one of our readers @NanaK247 on his ‘Top Boy Commentary’; even though I stand behind his views 110% I have only become desensitised by representations of gang culture within the black community, that nothing shocks me anymore. The more I strive to be involved in one of the world’s most powerful entities, I begin to learn that it’s all about what sells, and sadly enough that’s the entertainment value rather than what we as people can actually learn.